Car interior Hot enough to cook in


Pro Tuner
Staff member
2002 Clio 172
I was argueing with a friend.

Does the inside of a car get hot enough to cook anything? I was thinking a potatoe or similar with a long slow cooking time would probably do quite nicely.

My mate says that it would not be hot enough even if you put it in a black box on the dashboard and it would just dry out. I think I will give this a go but do you think it will work?
:confused::confused: I just wonder why the hell you would want to do this 'experiment??'
It seems a similar idea to students & 'scientists' getting Grants to determine IF biscuits disintegrate when dunked AND which biscuit stands up best to the treatment. Surely it is pointless??
I can tell you that I have had an apple cook when it was put on the dash of a 3T van!!
It simply moved from wherever to a situation over a heater vent and later, when I decided to eat it it was stewed!!
The temperature within the cab was not excessive though.
People have put fish in foil and cooked it on the engine which seems to be an obvious result
You have a great possibility, IF you try this; that you might just reach a temperature that will ignite fuel in the tank????? I doubt it!
Perhaps a better idea would be to contact Richard Hammond or his production company for the Brainiac Abuse program. Let them ruin a car instead:lol::lol:
I was argueing with a friend.

Does the inside of a car get hot enough to cook anything? I was thinking a potatoe or similar with a long slow cooking time would probably do quite nicely.

My mate says that it would not be hot enough even if you put it in a black box on the dashboard and it would just dry out. I think I will give this a go but do you think it will work?
Sopose you could cook a salad? Rare Steak?

A rare steak is cooked at outrageously high temperature for a very very short time. Best with gas over wood grilling (bottom heat) but a good pan will suffice. Just make sure that the pan is almostbuckling before you let the steak anywhere near it.

Anyone who 'bakes' a decent steak at low/mid temperature should be handed an ASBO.
i think this would work, during the day here the outside temperature gets to about 35-40degrees, if you leave the car out in direct sunlight its of course even hotter. Will wait till the current rainy season finishes and then try this out - using both an egg and a potato.
will revert!
an egg should defo work, it only needs temps of boiling water to cook, dont think a spud will cook, will look for ur reply on this one dp lmao, it should b eggstremly intresting lmao
A rare steak is cooked at outrageously high temperature for a very very short time. Best with gas over wood grilling (bottom heat) but a good pan will suffice. Just make sure that the pan is almostbuckling before you let the steak anywhere near it.

Anyone who 'bakes' a decent steak at low/mid temperature should be handed an ASBO.

Just call me ASBO Joe!

I only like steak really well done, I mean, close to black! lol:bigsmile:
an egg should defo work, it only needs temps of boiling water to cook, dont think a spud will cook, will look for ur reply on this one dp lmao, it should b eggstremly intresting lmao
Groan, really bad puns there!;)

Just call me ASBO Joe!

I only like steak really well done, I mean, close to black! lol:bigsmile:
I like my steak pink, this is when it has flavour. I just ask for the waiter to wipe it's bum and slap it on the plate!

I'll be interested to see if you pull this one off X! A lot of things will just dry out in a car as the heat builds up quite slowly. I have seen someone fry an egg on a bonnet before now due to the heat from the sun, that was quite impressive but I wouldn't like the job of cleaning the bonnet afterwards (or eating the egg for that matter!)

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