Panemera vs the Cayenne for looks

Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

Ok then Pete, Panemera vs the Cayenne? Which one is the looker?

Hi Wayne -

For me the answer is neither! I think they are both ugly. But I think the X5, the range rover, and all tose are ugly too.

Dont get me wrong, the Cayenne and the Panemera are both awesome pieces of technological achievement but they just dont rock my boat.

Im a real Old School Porsche 911 fan. I just love the classic lines, the simplicity of the design and the way they perform.
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

I can definitely see why they are popular and for Porsche financially it must be a very good move.
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

Hi Wayne -

For me the answer is neither! I think they are both ugly. But I think the X5, the range rover, and all tose are ugly too.

Dont get me wrong, the Cayenne and the Panemera are both awesome pieces of technological achievement but they just dont rock my boat.

Im a real Old School Porsche 911 fan. I just love the classic lines, the simplicity of the design and the way they perform.

With you on that one Pete. No character to them at all and have you heard the new V8 engines. No, exactly they're too smooth and quiet for a proper sports car which is Porsches heritage at the end of the day. I was at my Porsche independent and a Cayenne was driven out of the workshop and I didn't hear it at all! Now an old school 928 would of rumbled out with the ground shaking, wonderful noise that made :D
I suppose emissions and the like have killed the fun factor from the current execitive breed.
By the way, love your 911 pics on your home page:bigsmile:

Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

Thanks Andy. Looks like your running some serious power under the bonnet there!!!! Nice work :blink1:
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

yeah they are quite, which, I guess for the target market of the panemera, quite is what they would want. i mean its basically a 911 for the family man who wants the name of the car, not necesarially the performance. but an aftermarket exhuast and intake will fix the noise problem. i was in berlin last week, and was talking to a man who bought a panemera turbo, and he has gotten a carbon fiber cold air intake, and a full exhaust, all done at some shop in berlin. he started it up for me, and it sounded like a v8 should. it was loud, but not loud enought to be annoying. and with the intake, it had a nice sound when revved. but stock, its just not what it should be. and the turbo should have more power for the engine size, and the 2 turbos on it. and the car shouldnt be so heavy, if porsche fixed the noise, added more power, and took off some couple hundred pounds of weight, the car would be worth the money, utnil then, i'd take a maserati quattroporte GTS any day.
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

It's funny how much difference an engines noise makes to the driver experience.
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

It's funny how much difference an engines noise makes to the driver experience.

Absolutely Waynne. I haven't even got a radio unit in my 944. Induction noise and wastegate whistle all the way:bigsmile:

Funny how there's at least one person a month on the Porsche forum asking what exhaust system they can change to for there newly acquired 944 or 911sc etc because the standard one isn't "meaty enough" but they don't want too loud ;)
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

Noise is important. I love the noise our Porsches make. When I got an exhuast that was an important consideration :-)
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

Mines a 3" custom JMG one made to order. Other companys are Dansk, Fabspeed, Haywood and scott.

There are others but these are the ones that seem to crop up mostly. Mainly American import but these are designed for the American cars which have bigger bumpers so when fitted to UK cars they stick out to far. Why I've got a JMG one which is very similar to the Fabspeed one in design (JMG manufacture the turbo downpipe for Fabspeed and export to them!) but fits mine perfectly.

Look at the Fabspeed video in the 944 section on there site to see a 944T wheel spinning down the road :bigsmile:
Re: Your thoughts on the Panemera?

WOW. Thats higher tech than a space shuttle.

Yeah, would be good to meet up !!
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